Personal Development
by Marjan & Liesbeth

In four surprising and fascinating days you will learn how to take charge of your own life (again). A lot of different subjects will be covered that you can use to gain insight into what you want to achieve and how you can do that. The Personal Development Seminar (PDS) helps you to become more assertive, more communicative and more pro-active. It shows you how to focus on finding solutions and detect possibilities. In short: you will experience less stress and more success!

"Someone said that joining the PDS was life-changing. That was the only information I had, so I had reservations and kept my expectations low. It was not immediate but what suprised me was the little changes/improvements triggered by my subconscious in as early as the following day. I am my own worst enemy but what's more important is I am also the best thing that I've got. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

Junnah Manugas, WaterWorX PEWUP Project

Personal Development Seminar

I have been working together with Liesbeth van Hees as trainer of the Personal Development Seminar for 15 years .

Every process of development and innovation starts with a certain insight. This can be an awareness of something that is not going well or an idea of how things could be completely different. But this realization alone is not enough to change something. You will have to work at it. Take a step every day to make your dreams come true or to do things in more convenient, better ways. For example, being more assertive, more productive or more inspiring to your environment so that you can bring people along more easily. If you don't make yourself happy, who will? In PDS you discover that you are in charge.

More about Liesbeth

In addition to the Personal Development Seminar, Liesbeth is also involved in team building and supervises work conferences within organisations. Both can be about investigating the change capacity of a department or organization, supporting the creation of a business plan or assisting in processes that are related to the culture of an organization.

Liesbeth studied Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Amsterdam, she has worked as a pedagogue for a number of years and has been director of Exelix for almost 20 years. The knowledge that the personality of adults originates from childhood is a valuable element in her work and specifically in PDS.

"PDS gave me a new perspective in life. I am very happy about this experience."

Kim Alesna, Carcar Water District

"I am very grateful for and highly appreciate the Personal Development Seminar because it's like the North Star for me. I believe that this is not just work or business for you but it's an advocacy, to help people become the best that they can be."

Kim Ferido, Cagayan de Oro Water District